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Please Sign Our Open Letter to the UK Government

Open Letter to the UK Prime Minister Regarding the Downgrading of Minister for Disabled People.

15th December 2023


Dear Members of the Catholic Fellowship Disability Network,


Today, I am reaching out to discuss an issue of utmost importance that affects our community and the wider population of disabled individuals in the UK.


During December 2023 where we celebrate Disability History Month, there has been a concerning change in the UK government's approach to disability advocacy. The position of Minister for Disabled People, previously held by The Rt Hon Tom Pursglove as a Minister of State, has been downgraded in a government reshuffle. Rt Hon Mims Davies MP has been appointed to this as a second role but as an Under-Secretary of State resulting in a worrying de-prioritisation of disability issues at the highest levels of government.


In light of this, I have drafted an open letter to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and the Members of Parliament, expressing our collective concern and urging an immediate reconsideration of this decision. The letter emphasises the necessity of reinstating the Minister for Disabled People as a senior position within the government which is echoed by other charities, disability rights groups, MPs and the Disability Benefits Consortium. The reinstatement of a minister at the highest level is crucial for ensuring that disability rights and advocacy remain a prominent and influential part of governmental policy-making.


I encourage you to read the attached letter for a detailed understanding of the issue. If you support our cause, you can sign the open letter by visiting our website at or by emailing me on the above email. By adding your signature, you will be contributing to a powerful statement from our community, advocating for the rights, well-being and representation of disabled individuals across the UK.


This is a critical moment for our community whilst reaffirming our commitment to advocating for the rights and dignity of all disabled people as defined in our constitution.


Thank you for your attention to this significant matter.


Yours sincerely,

Daniel Ruscoe, 

Chief Executive Officer

The Catholic Fellowship Disability Network

Audio Version of Letter:

Downloadable Letter & Easy Read Version:

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© 2022-2024 Daniel Ruscoe

The Catholic Fellowship Disability Network 

Serving people with disabilities and their families of all faiths and none.

Charity No: 263075    |    Established in 1962.   |  Diocese of Brentwood

Formally known as; Catholic Fellowship Brentwood Diocese


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