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Tell Us What You Think...

Beige White Creative Happy Birthday Photo Collage (2).png

Help Us Plan For The Future

Planning ahead towards our Annual General Meeting for 2024, we need your help to create our 3-5 year plan to secure our charity and its services for the future whilst adapting to change and your needs. If you have several members in your family, you can all submit a response or as a whole. This is an anonymous submission. 


Please provide your thoughts, feedback and ideas below or online at

We would be extremely grateful for your feedback no later than 6th May 2024.

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Your ideas, insights and thoughts
How would you rate the following areas across the charity?
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Variety of events:
Suitability of events:
Benefits to you
Would you benefit form any of the following?

THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time to provide your feedback. This will help us in many ways in improving the services we provide and keeping our mission-aligned with the needs of our family and friends of the Fellowship. 

Please click the green button below to submit your answers. 

Thanks for your feedback! Your answers have been anonymously submitted.

Redbridge council logo with pink text and green leaf
Diocese of Brentwood Catholic Church Logo with blue, red and gold coat of arms type logo with gold and blue text.

Our associations and working relationships...

The Fellowship Disability Network Volunteer HUB Logo

© 2022-2024 Daniel Ruscoe

The Catholic Fellowship Disability Network 

Serving people with disabilities and their families of all faiths and none.

Charity No: 263075    |    Established in 1962.   |  Diocese of Brentwood

Formally known as; Catholic Fellowship Brentwood Diocese


Thanks for submitting!

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