I am committed to promoting the work of the charity in serving our members
I will treat members, volunteers, staff and friends of the charity in an inclusive manner and with dignity and respect.
I will declare any personal interest that may conflict with or be viewed by others to affect my ability to perform my role fairly, honestly and impartially.
I will keep up to date on and act in accordance with the charity's Policies and procedures.
I will positively promote the charity's aims, objectives and mission in a positive way that creates more opportunities for new members and volunteers.
I will uphold the reputation of the charity and not participate in any act or behaviour which may bring the charity's reputation into disrepute.
I will remain honest and document correctly charity finances and only accept proper and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses.
I will not knowingly enter into financial transactions or be a signatory/beneficiary of a will, legal or financial document of a member or their caregiver who has become known to me through the Catholic Fellowship Disability Network without seeking approval from the Charities Commission.
I will ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations and maintain people’s confidentiality at all times, other than in circumstances where I am legally required to disclose eg safeguarding, and police enquiries.
I am committed to promoting the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion.
I will ensure that I act in a way that does not put myself or others at risk of harm or injury, and ensure that I adhere to the Health and Safety Policy and Procedures.
I will report any incidents or risks of harm (to an individual or the charity) in line with the Incident Reporting Policy and Procedure.
I will act within the law, regulatory and/or statutory duties expected of me whilst representing the charity.
I will complete any necessary training or compliance that is required of me within my role in a timely manner.
If for any reason I am under investigation or commit an offence that could bring my role in the Catholic Fellowship Disability Network into question or is notifiable to the Disclosure and Baring Services (DBS), I will notify the Charities Safeguarding representative immediately.
I will undertake my role as directed by the management structure/committee.
I understand that as new policies, procedures and legislation are updated, this Code of Conduct may change.